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Exploring Transformation and Leadership: Insights from Two Podcasts

In the fast-paced world of corporate culture and executive assistance, the journey to success is often marked by unexpected twists and profound personal growth. In recent episodes of the Leader Assistant Podcast, hosted by Jeremy Burroughs, two remarkable individuals—Amaya Aruba-Rena and Sarah Abbott—share their inspiring stories of resilience, adaptation, and leadership.

"A mature person is one who is willing to change their mind - it is a sign that they are learning." – Jim Reger

Podcast 1: Amaia Arrubarrena - Former Executive Assistant to the CEO of ezCater

In this captivating episode, Amaia Arruabarrena takes listeners on a transformative journey from a career in medicine to becoming a trailblazing leader in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at ezCater. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Amaya initially pursued a path in medicine, driven by a desire to make a difference. However, life's twists and turns led her to New York City and, ultimately, to ezCater, where she discovered her true calling.

"Change is inevitable, but transformation is a choice." – Heather Ash Amara

As an Executive Assistant to the CEO, Amaia found herself at the forefront of organizational change, embodying the values of compassion, adaptability, and inclusivity. Through her leadership in DEI initiatives, such as the Walk for Hunger event, Amaya demonstrates the power of personal values in driving meaningful corporate action.

Podcast 2: Sarah Abbott - Executive Assistant to the CEO of Utz Brands

In this insightful episode, Sarah Abbott shares her journey from the hospitality sector to becoming a trusted executive assistant at Utz Brands. Juggling the responsibilities of supporting three top-tier executives while maintaining a bustling household, Sarah offers invaluable lessons on productivity, self-care, and achieving work-life harmony.

Sarah's practical advice and personal anecdotes shed light on the intricate dynamics of executive support, from managing complex schedules to offering solutions proactively. Her story is a testament to the resilience and adaptability required to thrive in the corporate world.

Why These Podcasts Matter

As an aspiring Executive Assistant with a background in textile engineering and a passion for business management, these podcasts resonate deeply with my journey and aspirations. Amaya and Sarah's stories highlight the transformative power of embracing change, staying true to one's values, and leveraging personal strengths to make a difference in the corporate landscape.

"Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward - get real with yourself." – Bryant McGill

Their insights reinforce the importance of resilience, adaptability, and people-centered leadership—qualities that align perfectly with my professional ethos. As I continue to pursue certification in Administrative Business Management, I draw inspiration from these remarkable individuals who have navigated career transitions with grace and determination

Conclusion: A Call to Action

I encourage my audience to listen to these podcasts for a firsthand glimpse into the world of executive assistance and leadership. Whether you're navigating a career transition, seeking inspiration for personal growth, or simply curious about the inner workings of corporate culture, Amaya and Sarah's stories offer invaluable insights and practical wisdom.

Their journeys remind us that success is not defined by titles or accolades but by the willingness to embrace change, cultivate resilience, and lead with authenticity. As we embark on our professional journeys, let us draw inspiration from those who have paved the way with courage, compassion, and unwavering dedication.

To listen to the full episodes and explore more inspiring stories, visit the Leader Assistant Podcast website The Leader Assistant Podcast - Go Burrows - Leader Assistant Resources. Embrace the transformative power of leadership, and embark on a journey of growth, impact, and fulfillment.

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Lalit Thapar

Brampton, ON, Canada

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