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Executives rely on their support team in the dynamic business world to help them tackle complex challenges, make informed decisions, and drive organizational success. In my journey as an Executive Assistant, I understand the pivotal role that cognitive skills play in delivering exceptional support to executives.

Today, I want to explore the importance of one such skill: critical thinking.

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking means looking at information carefully, thinking about it logically, and making good decisions based on what you find. For executive assistants, this skill is more than just solving problems, it's about understanding complex situations, finding creative solutions, and helping businesses succeed.


Why Critical Thinking Matters?

Imagine your boss is facing a complex project with lots of deadlines and problems. As his EA, you are not just there to help with the paperwork – you are there to think strategically and find ways to make things easier for him. This is where critical thinking becomes precious.

By applying critical thinking, you can:

  • Spot Problems Early: By thinking critically, you can see potential problems before they happen and fix them before they become issues. This saves time and makes projects run more smoothly.

  • Find New Ideas: Critical thinking lets you come up with new ways to do things better. Whether it's finding ways to save money or making customers happier, thinking critically can make a big difference.

  • Make Decisions Effectively: Executives often face tough decisions and tricky situations where they need to act fast. A top-notch assistant with good critical thinking can help sort through the confusion, find important information, and offer thoughtful advice to help make the best decisions.

Insights from the Field

In my interview with Heidi Muller, an experienced Executive Assistant at the University of Guelph, she pointed out the vital role of critical thinking in her job. Similarly, on the podcast featuring Sarah Abbort from Utz Brands, the importance of critical thinking in executive assistance was highlighted. Both instances showcased how critical thinking enables assistants to understand leaders' needs, tackle complex tasks, and contribute to organizational success.

How to Develop Critical Thinking?

To get better at critical thinking, you need to practice it regularly. This means thinking carefully about things, considering different viewpoints, and asking questions to understand them better. You can do this by discussing ideas with others, reading different kinds of books and articles, and trying to see things from different angles. It’s also helpful to take classes or workshops that focus on critical thinking. By doing these things regularly, you can become better at thinking critically and making smarter decisions.

Why Hire an Executive Assistant with Strong Critical Thinking?

In the world of business, having an EA who can do more than just handle tasks is invaluable. When you bring on an EA with strong critical thinking ability, you are not just hiring someone to check items off your to-do list – you are gaining a strategic partner who can help you navigate complex decisions and plan for the future. With their ability to offer valuable ideas, spot problems early on, and spark creativity, an EA with strong critical thinking ability can be a game-changer for your organization.


In today’s competitive business landscape, having someone who can think critically is more than an advantage – it’s a necessity. By investing in an EA with strong critical thinking, you are investing in the long-term success and strength of your organization.

So, if you are searching for a high-level assistant who can handle tasks and provide strategic guidance, you are in the right place. With a strong foundation in critical thinking and a dedication to doing great work, I am ready to take your business to the next level.

Let’s work together to unlock your organization’s full potential and achieve success!

In today's blog post, I would like to discuss the art of making connections - networking.

Cognitive skills play a vital role in the success of executive-assistant partnerships and networking stands out as a crucial aspect. It involves meeting new people, getting to know them, and finding ways to support each other.

Let's talk about why networking is key for both assistants and executives to succeed.

Why Networking is Essential?

Networking is like building a big web of relationships. The more people you know and the more connections you have, the more opportunities you can create for yourself and for the people you work with. Whether it's meeting new clients, learning about industry trends, or finding solutions to problems, networking helps you expand your circle and access valuable resources.

Drawing from Experience

In my interview with Heidi Muller, and on Sarah Abbott's podcast, both experienced executive assistants stressed the importance of networking in their roles. They use their connections to get things done faster, find information they need, and even come up with new ideas. Networking isn't just about making friends - it's about building a network of support that you can rely on to help you and your executive succeed.

How Networking Helps Executives

For executives, having an assistant who's good at networking is like having a hidden advantage. It means they have someone on their team who can connect them with others, make introductions, and bring new opportunities to the table. With a well-connected assistant by their side, executives can stay ahead of the competition, establish partnerships, and make smarter decisions for their business.

Using Networking to Solve Problems and Innovate

Networking involves more than just making connections, it also includes solving problems and developing new ideas. Having a wide range of contacts allows you to gather different views on a problem, brainstorm solutions, and find new ways of doing things. This collective approach to problem-solving can lead to innovation and growth for your business.

Growing Your Network

To boost your networking skills, start by attending events where professionals gather. Joining industry associations can also expand your network. Utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your field. Engage in informational interviews to learn from others and expand your contacts. When interacting, practice active listening and show genuine interest in others. Finally, follow up with your contacts regularly to maintain and strengthen your connections. These simple steps can help you build a healthy network and open up opportunities.

Why Networking is Worth It?

Growing your network requires dedication and hard work, but it pays off in the long run. As an assistant, developing your network is like planting seeds for your business’s future success. The more connections you have, the more opportunities you can create for yourself and for the people you work with. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.


Networking goes beyond meeting new people – it’s about creating opportunities for yourself and for your executive. By building a strong network of connections, you can help your business grow, solve problems faster, and stay ahead of the competition.

So, if you are looking for a high-level assistant who knows how to network, I’m here to help.

Let’s connect and explore the possibilities together!

In today's work-from-home world, being an executive assistant isn't just about answering calls and scheduling meetings. It's about being a master of tools like Microsoft Outlook that keep everything running smoothly.

So why is mastering Microsoft Outlook a must-have technical skill for assisting remote executives? Let's analyze it further:


Email Management

Imagine your email inbox as a large, disorganized pile of papers. Microsoft Outlook helps us sort through that pile quickly and find the important ones. It’s like having a powerful organizer that helps us stay on top of emails, reply to them quickly, and keep our inbox organized.

Calendar Coordination

Keeping track of our executive’s schedule can feel like juggling a lot of things at once. But with Microsoft Outlook, it’s like having a super helpful calendar that helps us stay organized. We can plan meetings, set reminders, and make sure our executive never misses anything important.

Communication Made Easy

Microsoft Outlook facilitates easy communication, whether it’s over a quick message to a coworker or a team video call. It’s like having a direct line to everyone we work with, no matter where they are. And when we communicate easily, work gets done faster and more efficiently.

Team Collaboration

We are not just assistants; we are also team players. Microsoft Outlook helps us collaborate with our colleagues by sharing files, assigning tasks, and keeping everyone on the same page. It’s like having a virtual office where we can all work together, even when we are miles apart.

Security Features

When you are dealing with sensitive information, keeping it secure is very important. Microsoft Outlook has special features, like encryption and password protection to make sure our data stays safe. It’s like a stronghold securing our critical emails and information from trespassers.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why does all this matter to me?” Well, here’s the thing:

When your assistant is an expert in Microsoft Outlook, tasks are completed faster and more efficiently. That means less time wasted and more time focused on growing your business. Additionally, with better communication and organization, your team can work together seamlessly from any location. Incredible things happen when everyone is on the same page.

So, if you are looking for an assistant who can handle anything that comes their way, look no further. With my expertise in Microsoft Outlook, I’ll ensure everything runs smoothly, even in the busy world of remote work.

Let’s connect and discuss how I can help you overcome the challenges of remote work and optimize productivity through efficient Outlook management. We can create magic together!



Lalit Thapar

Brampton, ON, Canada

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